Edain Mod Wiki


"Soon Sam came to a long flight of broad shallow steps. Now the orc-tower was right above him, frowning black, and in it the red eye glowed."
The Two Towers

Once a tower of Gondor to keep watch on Mordor, Cirith Ungol fell under the dominion of Sauron as Gondor's power waned.

The Cirith Ungol Barracks is where orcs and uruks under the control of Gorbag and Shagrat are produced. They take a break from fighting each other to take on the enemies of Mordor.

Level Up / Upgrades

Unlike many buildings of other factions, the Cirith Ungol Barracks does not have level up upgrades. Instead, it levels up as it produces orcs.

Template:Sauron's Influence


Unit Production

Name Type Cost CP Strong vs. Shortcut
Halberdiers of Cirith Ungol Elite Pikemen 600 0 Infantry, Cavalry Y
Black Uruk-Hai Elite Swordsmen 500 0 Swordsmen Pikemen, Archers X
Black Uruk Archers Elite Archers 600 0 Swordsmen, Pikemen C

Black Uruk Archers require the Influence of Sauron upgrade.

